Friday, May 5, 2017

Graduation/Summer Plans

Graduation is in two weeks time, which feels sort of bittersweet. I have known a lot of the grade since 4th grade, so growing up with them has made me feel close to them, in a sense. We saw each other through all of our awkward middle school phases, including braces, acne, greasy hair, and mood swings (which some people never grew out of). Now, seeing everyone "becoming adults" feels super strange, as our conversations switched from "did you see her new shoes" to "what is your major?" The gravity of graduation is starting to feel real, because I am slowly realizing that after high school, I am not socially obligated to continue contacting the people in my class. I will not be forced to sit in classrooms with them for hours on end, which is negative and positive; negative because I will miss seeing everyone interact and watching people grow and find themselves, but positive because, frankly, there are some people I would prefer to not have to be around. 

Aside from the heavy, emotional parts of graduation, I am SUPER excited. I feel like finally I get to experience a reward for all of my hard work in school. I get to move on from the confinements of the hallways where I was taught the basics of how to survive in the "real-world." I get to explore a new campus and a new area, finally studying the exact discipline I am interested instead of spending time learning about who started which war and when. I get to make my own decisions constantly, no longer having to request permission to use the bathroom and waking up at 6 am to catch a bus. 

I think the actual graduation ceremony itself will be really amazing. Our school has put so much time and effort into the planning of the event, so I anticipate it running really smoothly. I imagine there will be a lot of tears shed, by both teachers and students alike, as the teachers have watched us grow as individuals just as much as our peers did. The Bob Carpenter Center is also really nice, with plenty of seating and space for everyone to fit comfortably. We should be able to get really good pictures outside, too, because of all of the greenery. After graduation, I am going out to lunch with my family, but I have yet to decide where. My graduation gift is spending a week at the beach with my friends, which should be a really fun and relaxing way to say goodbye to high school and hello to summer!

After going to the beach, I start working at my summer job at the YMCA camp! I can't wait! Although it's a temporary full time job (40 hour weeks), I love being around kids and outside. I would much rather be outdoors with energetic campers than inside a store with fluorescent lighting folding shirts and bothering costumers who have no interest speaking to me! I have a feeling I will be exhausted from working that much, but the money is so worth it! Happy summer! :)