Thursday, December 8, 2016

Top Christmas Songs

1. Happy Holidays
2. All I Want for Christmas is You
3. Winter Wonderland
4. Winter Wizards
5. Drummer Boy
6. Santa Claus is Coming to Town
7. Snow and Heat Miser Song
8. White Christmas
9. O Holy Night
10. Noel

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Fake News Story

November 25, 2016- In Newark, Delaware there was a robbery at 10:30 am. The incident occurred at the Christiana Mall with many witnesses present. The police were promptly notified and those who witnessed the event stayed behind to give statements.
The robber, a 12-year old girl, was attempting to steal a 12 pack of earrings from Claire’s. After sneaking the pack into her purse, she calmly exited the store, witnesses say, but the small security tag on the back of the package caused the alarms to beep persistently. Terrified, the teen attempted to claim that she thought she had already paid for them, but most witnesses claim that the girl was not innocent. Wearing her converse sneakers and sweater dress, she was clearly a terrifying sight for any who had to be present during the event.
“I just didn’t know what to do,” Lia Marshall stated, shaking profusely. “I’ve always known there are cut-throat, sociopathic people out in the general public, but I never thought that I would have to witness one of their heinous crimes… I mean, earrings? Of all things to steal, she had to choose the deadliest option…”
Although the police arrived promptly after the security alarms beeped, the shaken witnesses and workers found it troubling to relay what had occurred.
“When my coworkers and I arrived at the scene, I immediately knew I had to call for backup. I could see the murderous scene, and it was something I knew would stay with me forever,” policeman Anderson reported.
Although the police ultimately decided to call the teen’s mom and the store was not pressing charges, everyone present at the incident is seeking medical attention. 67% of witnesses are claiming to have PTSD, saying that they break down crying whenever they see the glow of an earring. Some of the police present are shaken too, with over half of them taking time off to be with family during this tough time.
“These times are when people need to surround themselves with family,” an anonymous witness expresses. “It’s really great to see the community come together and support all of us who were emotionally damaged by this.”
The teen has expressed remorse and her parents have come out with an apologetic statement.
“We were unaware that our daughter would even be capable of something this abominable,” her mother, Melissa, stated. “We have sent her to a mental institution, and we are optimistic about her recovery. After her three month stay, she will be attending a military school, so none of the victims have to see her again. We greatly apologize for the damage she was never our intention to raise a monster.”
The public has responded with love and support for the parents of the deplorable teen, due to the great action they have taken to ensure their daughter no longer harms society. Some have called this “the worst Newark has seen,” while others remain slightly optimistic, claiming she could have started the downfall of society, but luckily she did not.

The police would like to remind people to remain calm, ensuring the public that they are doubling up on the number of patrols in the Christiana Mall. For now, people are warned to keep an eye out for any other monstrous individuals.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Behind the Scenes: A Cheater

Okay, listen, cheating may be looked down upon, but you have to give me credit for how much work it takes to keep up! It takes a certain level of talent in order to properly keep up with two boyfriends.
Texting can be complicated...on more than one occasion, I have replied to one boy with "you too" after he asked "what's up?" Flirting while responding quickly to two boys is almost impossible, as they want instant, perfect replies. It's hard enough to do this with one boy, let alone two! Luckily, they're both totally in love with me...I mean, who wouldn't be?

Dates are by far the hardest. How do I explain calling Chad "Brian" while seductively sharing a strawberry milkshake!? "Sorry, Chad, that's the name of my new fish that we keep in my basement so you'll never see him..."

Sometimes, to be more efficient, I'll go on two dates at once! We will meet up in the movie theater, and I just alternate between the two films. The only issue with this is that they probably think I have severe bowel issues when I'm gone for 15 minutes at a time...

The best part of having two men lust over me is the constant shower of gifts and compliments. I get double the Christmas gifts and double the love. Honestly, it would be perfect to have like 5 boyfriends. I would have no problem finding 3 more men to date (I could get any guy I want, watch out ladies), but juggling 2 is hard enough.

The most awkward part is making out with them. Chad is obviously the better kisser BY FAR, so while kissing Brian, all  I can think about is Chad. Brian doesn't notice though, because my attractiveness and amazing lips conceal any of my deeper, real feelings...if I even have any haha.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


I expected the outcome of the election, yet I was still baffled when the results were released. I have no problems with people having their own political opinion, because that is the basis of a democracy. However, I am still shocked at just how many people would support a sexist, racist man. Regardless of people identifying as Republican due to economic policy beliefs or governmental involvement restrictions, people who voted for Trump must hold prejudice to a degree. Women have been fighting constantly to gain more rights and to be equal to men, yet now we have a president that CONSTANTLY and PUBLICLY says sexist remarks. Not only does he say the remarks, but he will also DEFEND his actions, furthering his innate sexism. Such a president will influence citizens into thinking treating women the way he does is acceptable, which could destroy the progress women have made thus far. Trump doesn't just comment about women; he also targets immigrants. Do people forget when he called Mexicans rapists and suggested we put Muslims into "camps" for national security? What about when he said, "laziness is a trait in blacks"? Such comments were somehow overlooked by American citizens, which is a horrifying discovery. What's next for America? He's pushed the envelope farther than I ever could have imagined, but the scary part is how many people agree. You are not welcome if you are not a white male (being rich helps, too).

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Now that the November 1st deadline has passed, all students can think about is December 16th, the day we find out if we are rejected, deferred, or (hopefully) accepted. I have never really been a patient person, so waiting for December  16th is already driving me crazy. My application is submitted with my essays, my letters of recommendation are waiting for review, and my transcript has been sent. Everything I have ever done has been a step toward the final goal of college, and now I get to see if my hard work and dedication has been beneficial. I need to know if it was worth it, if I can look back and know that my work meant something. December 16th will tell me that. Until then, all I can do is wonder.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Pet I Could Never Have

I could never have an otter as a pet. I love otters, because they are incredibly adorable! They scurry around on land together and dive in the water to play. They are very fluffy and soft, but they  become  sleek once wet. I've also seen them get fed at the zoo, and they seem very well trained. However, otters have a reputation for being vicious and mean, so unfortunately, I could never actually own one.

Another pet I could never own is a horse. I think horses are beautiful, bold, and majestic, but I have no idea how to ride one. Also, I am afraid they will injure me greatly if I startle them. Cleaning up after them isn't exactly easy either, because of how large they  are!

Owning a tarantula is also not an option, because I am deathly afraid of them! I would not even let it in my house at all. I don't think it's very humane to buy a pet you want to kill, so tarantulas can remain in the pet store, thank you very much.

A final pet I could not own is a cheetah. I love cats (I have two), so owning a cheetah would be amazing! I could cuddle and play with it all the time, scratching behind its fluffy ears. Unfortunately, I cannot own a cheetah, because they are wild and not domesticated. Odds are, I would be eaten if I forgot to feed it, and that's a risk I am not willing to take.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Best Cookies Ever

To make the best cookies ever, simply add two tablespoons of almond extract to basic sugar cookie dough. The flavor of the almonds adds such decadency to a simple dessert.

Also, you can add chopped walnuts to chocolate chip cookies to give the cookies a good crunch, while increasing healthiness (slightly).

Now that it's fall, another fun dessert is pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, which makes a classic cookie more festive.

Finally, to make all of the above recipes even tastier, slightly undercook the dough, then let it sit for about 10 minutes on the hot tray. This makes the cookies take on a melt-in-your-mouth texture, while not falling apart from being too undercooked.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Places to Eat in Newark

1. Chipotle
2. Whereabouts Cafe
3. Panera
4. Buffalo Wild Wings
5. California Tortilla
6. Cheeburger
7. Duck Donuts
8. Grotto Pizza
9. Klondike Kate's
10. El Diablo

Friday, September 30, 2016

Fun Fall Dates

1. Carve pumpkins together
2. Go apple picking
3. Roast marshmallows
4. Look at the stars
5. Wear matching sweaters
6. Go to a football game
7. Drink hot chocolate together
8. Crunch leaves together
9. Go to a corn maze
10. Watch a scary movie

Thursday, September 22, 2016


In competitive high schools, people become obsessed with intelligence. A select few want everyone around them to believe that they are naturally intelligent and never have to try on assignments; they just naturally have access to all knowledge possible without any given effort. However, this facade is so transparent that it becomes a sheer embarrassment to parade around that you "literally didn't study and got 100%." Such lies and masks are irrelevant and insignificant, as everyone is aware of the fact that knowledge takes time and effort and repetition, so the mere fact that someone would fake their inherent genius is pitiful and manipulative. As opposed to attempting to "one up" friends and show off intelligence, people should focus on learning itself instead of the competitive nature of being the smartest. Take off the mask, spread the knowledge.

Thursday, September 15, 2016


One of my least favorite phrases of all time is "you'll understand when you're older." This simple phrase implies immaturity and underdevelopment, as if life is just too vast for a small-minded 14-year-old to understand. Although the phrase is not necessarily untrue, it can be an insult. As I described last week, everyone has different backgrounds and stories that shape their how is it fair to assume you know everything about everyone's maturity and understanding based on age?

Being underestimated for age is frustrating. As a 17-year-old, I often hear one of two phrases from adults:
1. You're basically an adult! Life is hard, you need to learn how to handle situations like this, it only gets harder from here.
2. You couldn't understand, you're just impossibly too young. You'll understand when you're older.

I don't think adults understand how confusing this is. Am I a mature adult who needs to do everything independently, or am I a childish, immature teenager who can't participate in complex adult activities? And how could you possibly know my level of maturity?

Do not judge age. Do not underestimate the power experience has on age. Seventeen could mean vacations yearly and successful parents with connections. Seventeen could mean parental death and societal rejection. How can we possibly compare maturity by a number. We can't.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Perspectives are powerful. Perspectives are inspiring. Perspectives are easily ignored. Everyone has grown up with completely different lives and backgrounds and stories, yet when we enter the working world, suddenly everyone is expected to be the same. Everyone goes home to a different home and a different family and a different storyline, but it can be nearly impossible to tell based on appearance.

Peoples' perspectives about money, for example, are easily shaped by their adolescence. When people grow up in the upper class, it can be nearly impossible for them to connect with people who grow up in the lower class. "Get a job, make money, save up." It seems so simple from their point of view, making it difficult for them to comprehend the struggle it is for some people to afford something as simple as a decent pair of shoes.

Instead of ignoring perspectives and attempting to put everyone on the same playing field, society should embrace our differences. We all have different stories and different environmental influences that have shaped our opinions. Do not shut these out or be ashamed. They make us different. Unique. Empathetic.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


In today's society, picture-perfect lives are taking over social media. While scrolling through the daily feed on instagram, we are constantly bombarded with images of seemingly effortlessly perfect people with perfect lives, never mind the excessive editing and selective posting that makes their lives seem so picturesque. Instead of posting who we are and what we like, everyone has seemingly become obsessed with achieving #goals. Essentially, on every post that shows a beautiful couple or a model-thin girl, people comment #goals to imply that they aspire to have whatever is displayed in the photo. This has created a wave of young impressionable minds creating a specific image of what life and love should look like based on images online. These "goals" are impossible to aspire to, thus causing jealous and envious thoughts to present themselves in teens' minds, which are already susceptible to confidence issues.

Instead of focusing on what others have or what we could have, we should find happiness within what we already have in our lives. Boyfriends and girlfriends don't need to buy heart balloons to be #goals to fulfill their relationships. People don't need to fit a specific mold to be successful and healthy, so such trends are best ignored.