Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Pet I Could Never Have

I could never have an otter as a pet. I love otters, because they are incredibly adorable! They scurry around on land together and dive in the water to play. They are very fluffy and soft, but they  become  sleek once wet. I've also seen them get fed at the zoo, and they seem very well trained. However, otters have a reputation for being vicious and mean, so unfortunately, I could never actually own one.

Another pet I could never own is a horse. I think horses are beautiful, bold, and majestic, but I have no idea how to ride one. Also, I am afraid they will injure me greatly if I startle them. Cleaning up after them isn't exactly easy either, because of how large they  are!

Owning a tarantula is also not an option, because I am deathly afraid of them! I would not even let it in my house at all. I don't think it's very humane to buy a pet you want to kill, so tarantulas can remain in the pet store, thank you very much.

A final pet I could not own is a cheetah. I love cats (I have two), so owning a cheetah would be amazing! I could cuddle and play with it all the time, scratching behind its fluffy ears. Unfortunately, I cannot own a cheetah, because they are wild and not domesticated. Odds are, I would be eaten if I forgot to feed it, and that's a risk I am not willing to take.

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