Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Now that the November 1st deadline has passed, all students can think about is December 16th, the day we find out if we are rejected, deferred, or (hopefully) accepted. I have never really been a patient person, so waiting for December  16th is already driving me crazy. My application is submitted with my essays, my letters of recommendation are waiting for review, and my transcript has been sent. Everything I have ever done has been a step toward the final goal of college, and now I get to see if my hard work and dedication has been beneficial. I need to know if it was worth it, if I can look back and know that my work meant something. December 16th will tell me that. Until then, all I can do is wonder.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, and I will avoid you at all costs if things don't go your way; just kidding!
